Administrative, clerical CVs in North-East Singapore

Here you can see CVs of the candidates that are looking for administrative, clerical jobs in North-East Singapore. There job seekers are searching for administrative, clerical jobs in North-East Singapore. Please edit your search if you wish to discover candidates in different job category or location.
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Samuel Nyame

Samuel Nyame from Abroad

34 years old, male
I am self motivated person, team worker and enthusiasm and willing to render teamwork to any company or institution that I found myself or offer me the opportunity to be part of their team. I have acquired skills and experience in my work as a cooperative officer in the Department of Cooperatives, supervisor in paradise spot and restaurant in Kumasi, Ghana and a teacher at St. Andrews College Junior High School Mampong Kumasi. I graduated from Kumasi Technical University in 2016 and offered Higher National Diploma in accounting with computing in Ghana. I will be much greatful if you contact me of any information needed from me and I wil be available. Thank you
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Pradeep Perumal

Pradeep Perumal from Mandai

45 years old, male
I am a hard worker I need good work and good salary
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Prabakaran Otcha Dhevar

Prabakaran Otcha Dhevar from India

31 years old, male
Seeking a career In ADMINISTRATION and ACCOUNTING Management which offers a lot of scope to be innovative and thereby contribute towards the vision of the organisation.
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Vipin Mg

Vipin Mg from Hougang

34 years old, male
I am currently working in Nippon Toyota
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