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Search jobs and employees in Singapore. Discover jobs or employees based on what you’re in need of. To do that, you should post a job offer or create your CV. Find the most suitable candidates and vacancies in Singapore. We would recommend you refine your search – choose a specific job category or location when looking for jobs or CVs in Singapore.
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We Offer all types of Finance Business Personal Cash
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Ang Mo Kio
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Ronnie Finance Fast Loan Company

Ronnie Finance Fast Loan Company from Singapore River

52 years old, male
Ronnie Finance Fast Loan is a reputed and licensed moneylender, offering loans at low interest rates. The company is registered with the ministry of law. Our mission is to help people who are in need of cash by lending them money. We do not need any credit score, collateral and deposits to process your loan request. Some of the services provided by the company are: Personal Loans Business Loans Payday Loans Debt Consolidation Loans Apply for a loan today. email: (Whats App) number: +919667837169 Regards
5 months ago
Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas from Seletar

53 years old, male
Excellent news! You have the opportunity to secure a $5,000 and $500 million loan With Ronnie Finance funds, you may be able to qualify for a personal loan and have it deposited in your account as soon as the next business day. Congrats! Get Started HERE All credit types are considered email: Whats-app us on +919667837169 Regards,
Nauman Muhammad

Nauman Muhammad from Pakistan

30 years old, male
I am looking for a job in the Offshore Drilling company.
Yanxi Xie

Yanxi Xie from Abroad

37 years old, female
Joanna T

Joanna T

41 years old, female
I'm from Indonesia, looking for job in Singapore, I had 7 years procurement experiences, 4 years marketing experiences. Excellent relationship-builder and multi tasker always ready to support team needs. Highly effective at motivating and training exceptional teams.
Job tips and news
Let's talk about one of the most important thing in our life - Job. You can think why it is so important and why we have to work. We, Singaporeans are one of the world leaders in finance, casino, oil and port businesses. Comparing to other countries we can start our
Job search with us
Create alert and get new job offers from current job category and location everyday started out not so long ago, yet it set out to become one of the most well known websites for job search in Singapore. Our extensive knowledge of international job markets helps us keep growing and evolving every single day. Using, you may publish your job ads, create your CV or order other services regarding employment - we strive to provide you with maximum efficiency and visibility to your job opening. presents a unique applicant system that makes it easier for candidates to apply to job adverts and lets employers offer jobs for applicants with just one click. All that is left to do for you is to publish a job offer or enter your CV on

We are glad to be able to contribute in reducing unemployment rate in Singapore, so join us in taking Singapore to the next level!

Jobs abroad
If you're thinking about working abroad - outside Singapore, then you'll face with the new challenge of different currencies. Most popular locations to work abroad for Singaporeans are: United States of America, Europe, Australia, United Kingdom or Canada. So, if you're thinking about going to work abroad, we recommend to use currency converter. We are used to live here, in Singapore, and pay with Singapore dollars in our country, but when you go to United States, the currency there is US dollars, so, you will need to know US dollar to Singapore dollar and Singapore dollar to US dollar conversion rate. The same in the United Kingdom - you will earn pounds, so you will follow pound to Singapore dollar and Singapore dollar to pound exchange rates. In Europe you'll earn euros, so Singapore dollar to euro and euro to Singapore dollar, in Australia - Australian dollars, so, aud to sgd and sgd to aud, in Canada - Canadian dollars, so, cad to sgd and sgd to cad. We recommend you to use currency converter, where you can modify - add or remove any currency and to see live conversion rate. When you analyze exchange rate charts, you can predict when to exchange your money. Also, it will be important to find out where is the cheapest place to send money to your country.
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