Singapore people are always thinking of how to live better, how to have perfect house with perfect car and the most important is to take care of their family. Usually, people are working in there, which education they have or in there where they feel comfortable. But rarely if you feel comfortable and you don't earn enough money, you must think of you, your family, your dreams. Then the only way to survive, to live comfortable, to work job what you want to work with less money is to find a part time job in Singapore. team gives you some tips on how to find part time job in Singapore and what part time job in Singapore to choose:
- if you like your main job, don't hurry with looking for a part time job, firstly discuss with your boss about possibility to work more and to earn more;
- if you like your main job, and it is no possibilities to earn more at the place you work, try to find the same profession job just in another company where you can get bigger salary. Don't forget, if you are a good worker you don't have nothing to lose, you must fight for you!
- if you decided to find part time job, try to find similar to your main job. For example if you work at:
- IT, then try to find programmer, designer, IT engineer part time job;
- Construction, then try to find trader, engineer, painter part time job;
- Restaurant, then try to find barmen, waiter, chef, administrator part time job;
- the perfect time for part time job is from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. or from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Also, you can think about changing your main job time, for example you go to main job from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and go to part time job from 3.30 p.m to 8p.m.
So, before you start to work part time jobs first of all think about all possibilities how to run away from this. And if there is no any choice, give your all heart and work.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do!